I have always been a big fan of The Rec Room, an amazing entertainment complex for all ages! We love coming here as a family, my hubby and I have as much fun with the games as the kids do! With two locations in Edmonton they offer loads of entertainment and great dining options too.
We were recently invited to try the new menu offerings at their two restaurants, Three10 and The Shed. Depending on if you have time for a sit down meal or a quick bite, each restaurant concept is completely different. It’s nice to have options for sure!
Delicious Dilemmas at Three10

Over the last year The Rec Room has really upped their game (see what I did there) when it comes to food. Their full service restaurant Three10 offers a great variety of menu items including lots of vegetarian options which we shared about here.
The newest feature menu includes Delicious Dilemmas, depending on what type of mood you are in! The Smart Eats vs Tempting Treats menu offers:
- MAC’N’CINI – fried mac and cheese, pomodoro sauce, grana padano, kale pesto
- GRILLED CHEESE BACON BURGER – fresh ground AAA Canadian beef patty, bacon, shredded lettuce, tomato, pickle, The Rec Room sauce, in between 2 grilled cheese sandwiches
- TUNA POKE BOWL – Yellow fin tuna, rice, avocado, chili pickled carrots, cucumber, pickled ginger, green onion, nori, sesame soy sauce
- KALE AND AVOCADO SALAD – kale, avocado, cabbage, grape tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, feta cheese, quinoa, herbed lemon vinaigrette

Lunch is Now Served at The Shed

New menu items at The Shed! Plus the WEM location has a special lunch menu that includes our favourites mentioned here and more from 11-4

My favourite dish from The Shed was the Chicken and Waffles, Denny loved the Poutine Supreme and the kids LOVED the strawberry and chocolate funnel cake! It’s great to have the option of fast casual dining as the kids are often so busy playing games they don’t want to spend time sitting down for a meal. They also offer cocktails so you are able to grab a quick drink while you play games!

I would love to try the new poke bowl. I just can’t get enough of that umami flavour! Plus it’s pretty healthy, right. My hubs is 100% a cheese burger guy, but there are some things on the new menu that might tempt him as well (but I’d bet he’d still like the cheeseburger!)
Do I have to pick just one?!? Definitely the mac’n’cini…
Hook me up with a poke bowl!
I’d like to try the Max’N’Cini and the Chicken and Waffles! 😋