Today was a huge WIN for me, I just had to share it with all of you! I found out that this year I’m getting a HUGE tax return! I can’t even tell you the last time I did, I always have to pay!
Have you ever heard the term manifest? It’s an energetic match, in this case with money. Stay true to what you want, believe you deserve it and do the mindset work to create it. You create your life through thoughts. When you think positive thoughts like money is coming my way, these things begin to happen for you.
Money is energy, when we see the positive and believe we deserve something, reframing to/from gratitude, seeing the lessons, trusting that the universe has our back, we can release the ‘how’ of making money, break up our limiting beliefs that keep us playing small and call in abundance by staying on a high vibe. Money can come to us in unexpected ways (like a tax return) when our subconscious believes it is possible and we are worth it. Always stay open to the possibilities, stay true to what you want and believe you deserve it!
Oprah Winfrey famously talks about how she created the life she lives through the power of thought. When we release attachment and outcome things begin to flow. You have access to absolutely everything in the universe through your thoughts and consciousness. When you perceive through abundance (positive thoughts = positive mindset) things begin to flow to and from you with ease.
Selina Gray opened my eyes to the possibility of abundance through her online course The Moneyboss Academy. It is filled with great tips like this as well as places you can look for money within your own life that you might be missing. Interested in learning more and changing your money mindset? You can save 15% with code CHATTYGIRL at checkout click here for all the details!

This post was written in partnership with Selina Gray and her Moneyboss Academy ambassador program. The thoughts are my own after personally taking the course myself and making many changes to my own life through teachings.