You guys…..I am so excited to be celebrating 3 years of blogging at The Chatty Girl! My blog has always been an extension of my Marketing Agency at Chatty Girl Media, but I love that I can share my personal experiences with you too!
The last year has been an absolute whirlwind for our family, with so many changes fo us all. We’ve gone through job loss, a pandemic, slowdown in business, juggling children who were suddenly not in school anymore, a quarantine, and more. But we’ve also had so many positive things happen that we choose to focus on! We’ve had the opportunity to travel, expand the blogging side of my business, spend more time with family and move to Kelowna!
I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me and my business over the last year. I am so thankful for each and every one of you who read my blogs, like and comment on my posts, enter my giveaways and share my content. When the majority of your business is based on your online presence, it’s so important to have all the support online from my audience. I really do have some amazing followers who have even continued to follow as I moved to a new province.
I recently had someone ask if I would still be posting once I move and the answer is YES! I know so many of my followers travel to the Kelowna region year after year. I want to be a resource for you so you know all the cool places to visit and of course where to eat when you come to town! If you have any feedback for me of things you’d like me to talk about over the next year please send them my way!

I enjoy your commentaries
What a great giveaway!